

I’m the one behind the camera (and I like it that way haha!). My name is Megan and I am an elderly millennial mom of three, and I love to torture my kids by taking their photo. Seriously, they are so over it. So, I started Sweet Little Portraits so I could take pictures of your kids! Kidding..kind of. I’ve been photographing families as Megan Rae Misson Photography since 2018, but decided my heart really loved photographing newborns and babies (and having complete control over my environment). I decided to pivot my business and begin Sweet Little Portraits, my in-home all white studio space designed for photographing stunningly adorable portraits of babies.

I haven’t always been a photographer, but I have always been an artist. I hold a BFA in Animation/Illustration and have worked as a production artist for companies like Disney Mobile and Shutterfly (and no, I do not recommend ordering products from Shutterfly…. shhhh). I have always been a story teller with an eye for details and smart design, but I decided to leave the corporate world after my twins were born. I picked up photography as a hobby, but that soon grew into a passion. Motherhood does that to you. The desire to document every age and stage to look back on (and cry over) just overtook me, and I decided to take the leap and pursue photography as a career.

Fast forward 6 years (and one more baby) later, and Sweet Little Portraits takes me back to reason I picked up a camera in the first place. Documenting of all those sweet details, that get so easily forgotten in the fog of early motherhood. I’m so glad (and stunned) you read all this and I can’t wait to get to know you! Seriously.


5 things about me

(for the TL;DR crowd)

  • mom bun and joggers are my uniform

  • I have a degree in Animation/Illustration (yes, like cartoons)

  • I could eat sushi every meal of every day for the rest of my days

  • yellow is my favorite color. it always makes me happy

  • if I didn’t have a husband and 3 kids… I would have a lot more cats.. a lot of cats.